Hello, my name's Daryl Naylor. I'm the Aboriginal Health Development Officer here at Austin Health. I descend from Gundungurra which is an Aboriginal tribe in New South Wales. What I think has happened with the Aboriginal community is that we've been shunned so to speak in this multicultural arena. We only need to look at the portfolio for Amanda Vanstone, Senator for Aboriginal Affairs or Indigenous Affairs if there is such a word and also Multiculturalism and the Office of Immigration. So it's sort of like the idea of tossing us all into one washing machine and what that tends to do is to diminish our identity. It doesn't afford us the respect and status that Aboriginal people should have and demand as the first Australians. Obviously our diversity is very, very broad. There's over 200 or 250 different Aboriginal languages spoken in Australia. There's also the recognition that we have between 500 to 700 different Aboriginal tribes. From that we still break ourselves up into sub-tribes or clan groups which they number in the vicinity of 21,000.