Making it Happen

What Do You Know? Quiz

This quiz contains questions relating to all of the five content sections of Interactive Ochre. Use the quiz to test your knowledge of Cultural Awareness. You can try it as an interactive activity on the screen or open a printable copy.

Download the quiz (RTF, 2.7 MB)

How Do You Feel? Creative Response

Interactive Ochre presents you with some of the cultural elements you need to be aware of when you are interacting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This activity gives you some starting points on how you might creatively respond to that information.

Download the activity (RTF, 2.6 MB)

What Do You Think? Reflective Journal

This activity introduces you to how to keep a reflective journal as a record of the development of your understanding of your learning about Cutltural Awareness.

Download the activity (RTF, 2.7 MB)

What Would You Do? Scenario-based Activity

There are many issues to take into account when dealing with people from diverse cultures. This activity asks you to reflect upon a number of scenarios involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to think about how you would respond in each situation in light of what you have learned.

Download the activity (RTF, 2.7 MB)

Putting It Into Practice Work-based Project

Interactive Ochre is designed to raise your level of cultural awareness and to help you to live and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in ways that show mutual respect and understanding. This is a work-based project that outlines some ways in which you may put your learning about Cultural Awareness into practice in your own context.

Download the activity (RTF, 2.6 MB)